Sri Saraswati Devi Veda Peetam
The Global KLEEM Center for Youth
(The Global Karunamayi Learning, Enrichment, Empowerment, and Meditation Center for Youth)
Sri Saraswati Devi Veda Peetam, Houston, Texas
About The Global KLEEM Center for Youth
The Global KLEEM Center is being created to ensure that there will be a permanent center in North America for youth programs. We envision an international hub to be established under the Divine guidance of Her Holiness Amma Sri Karunamayi, for Learning, Enrichment, Empowerment and Meditation for youth girls and boys from all across the world.
Sri Saraswati Devi Veda Peetam
At the heart of the KLEEM Center will be the Sri Saraswati Devi Veda Peetam – a temple abode for an exquisitely carved marble statue of Sri Saraswati Devi, the Goddess of Learning, Knowledge and Arts. A very powerful divine yantra infused with the “tapo shakti” or the power of penance of Her Holiness, Amma Sri Karunamayi, will be installed underground beneath the Divine Lotus Feet of Saraswati Devi. This Divine yantra will radiate its Maha Chaitanya Shakti (supreme energy of consciousness) for the next one thousand years – an ultimate boon and blessing for the future of youth and future of our world home.
A large sound proof hall in this temple will allow for 1008 individuals to sit together and meditate in complete silence in Devi’s presence. Poets, dancers, musicians, sculptors, painters and people from all walks of life who come into this sacred space will get mental peace and clarity of thought, and will experience the bountiful blessings of Sri Saraswati Devi. Material wealth no doubt fortifies one’s confidence but it cannot provide contentment, peace and wisdom. Sri Saraswati Devi is the One who grants the incomparable wealth of knowledge along with divine attributes that no riches can bestow.
There is great need in the world now for a center like this, as today’s youth grapples with a multitude of challenges, unrest and stress that often lead them astray to wrong activities and habits. This Divine Center promises hope and bright future for these “lost” youth who can be brought back into mainstream society by the benevolent Grace of Sri Sasraswati Devi. Devi’s Grace transforms anger, diminishes ego, and fosters purity in thought, word and deed.
Course offerings
The center will offer a variety of special courses, aimed at all-round personality development students, with a focus on health and wellness, mental peace and success in life. Courses are designed to empower students to grow into successful, selfless pillars of strength in society and serve as exemplary role models.
Some of the special programs for young students and the future youth include:
- How to increase memory power?
- Simple meditation techniques for blossoming mental powers
- Music classes
- Classical dance classes
- Organic Agriculture training
- Anti-depression course
- Nurturing the spirit of selfless service
- Self defense courses for boys and girls
- Jyothish (astrology) course
- Vastu course
- Meditation life style
- How to lead a simple life
- Ayurvedic Cooking course
- Growing in Divine Love
- How to be happy?
- How to be kind?
- How to focus?
- How to fight with challenges?
- How to control anger?
- How to come out of darkness of I-ness?
- Normal life to wonder peace
- How to control the wild mind?
- Stages for peaceful life
- Lying is Dying
- Wake Up
- What is Darkness and how to come out of it?
- Become what you are
- How to help your country?
- How to sit? How to see
- Sri Saraswati Devi: Enlighten Me
Youth from all over the world are invited to come to the Saraswati Peetam for undergoing training in various fields to grow into quality youth, doing wonders in society and becoming “legends” of success and inspiration for future generations.
KLEEM Center Property
The KLEEM Center is emerging on a 47+ acre expanse in the city of Rosenburg, near Houston, Texas. Resembling the tapovanam of Rig Vedic times, this sacred center will be beautifully landscaped with a large lake, scattered ponds, beautiful flowers, magnificent trees and will be home to many chirping birds, white swans and peacocks, providing a peaceful delightful haven for all who come.
Constructions will include Amma’s home building, Sri Saraswati Devi Mandir with office/reception area, a cultural center building with kitchen and dining facility, living quarters for residents, and temporary accommodations for program participants.